老子道德經 太上感應篇 呂祖無極寶懺之懺悔文
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The Golden Flower Empress’s Sutra for Eliminating Disasters and Solving Tribulations

The most sincere and pure, the most high and pure, the most empty and quiet, the most light and bright, the hero of all gods, the essence of all things. The place of God is on the ninth level of heaven, above the Milky Way, far away from the stars, first reaching the black sky, still on the same path. After passing the black sky, we arrived at Tianjing. The majestic palace, white and crystal clear, was wrapped in the heavenly palace, and everything was silent. The Golden Flower Empress, great and sacred, dignified and gorgeous, sits in the palace, inspects the mortal world, and practices immortality. The river car in the sky is adjusted by God, and it starts to travel on the great road, the journey of cultivation, and painstaking study and practice to help him ascend. Manage the world, benefit the people, help those who do good, severely punish those who do evil, help those in need, and help the weak. Seek refuge sincerely, try all the souls, great and deep kindness, practice benevolence and practice righteousness, recite it ten times a day, eliminate disasters and save lives. Great mercy, great love, the most holy love, great benevolence, inexplicably great, great benevolence, inexplicably great.