divinehere.comForecast of Chinese Zodiac in the Year of Snake Series>Ox
肖鼠 肖牛 肖虎 肖兔 肖龍 肖蛇
肖馬 肖羊 肖猴 肖雞 肖狗 肖豬
蛇年犯太歲生肖拜太歲 蛇年犯太歲生肖 蛇年嫁娶吉日 蛇年開巿吉日 蛇年文昌位 蛇年吉凶方位
蛇年辦公室吉凶方位 蛇年立春八字 2013(蛇年)年初一迎春接福接財神      
Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake
Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig

Forecast of Chinese Zodiac in the Year of Snake Series


The fortune of people who were born in the Year of Ox will not be improved a lot this year. Although the Ox was affected negatively by the God of the Year (Tai Sui) last year, the bad influence was not serious. Despite the fact that the Ox is compatible with the God of the Year in 2013 (Snake) and should be “protected” by it theoretically, there would be only one lucky star with the co-existence of three bad-luck stars. Your friends and family members would easily suffer from illnesses and have accidents under the influence of these bad-luck stars. In particular, because of the existence of the “White Tiger” (白虎), you would have more chances meeting bad guys. People who were born in the Year of Ox are recommended to worship the “White Tiger” on 5 March 2013, Jingzhe(驚蟄), which is the 3rd of the 24 Solar Terms (節氣).

The Ox is compatible with the Snake this year and this would bring good luck to you, in particular, help and promotion from supervisors or senior people. There is another lucky star related to arts. People working in fields such as arts, communication and creativity would benefit from it. Nevertheless, people working in other fields may feel lonely or lack of support, as loneliness is also one of the characteristics of the “White Tiger”. In addition, you would find things that go smoothly if your occupation is more of an outgoing nature. But pay special attention to the coexistence of risk as one Chinese saying states that opportunity never comes if there is no risk. So you would come across both opportunities and risks this year.

There would not be any lucky star that is related to wealth this year. The Tai Sui (fire) is compatible with Ox (earth), which means you would be able to gain some money from investment. But you should not have too much expectation. Do not invest too much to avoid loss of money. You may consider investing in arts and crafts, especially those recommended by seniors or old people. Their value would go up in the future when your chance and luck come along.

Under the influence of the star of loneliness and the compatibility with the Snake at the same time, people who were born in the Year of Ox would face a dilemma in relationships. With the help of Tai Sui, you would find it easy to meet new friends; on the other hand, you would give an impression to others that you are not easy to get acquainted with. The star of loneliness is also related to religion and philosophy. You may have new discovery in this aspect. If you wish to meet new acquaintances with the opposite gender, be friendly and pay attention to the opportunities that may appear in the fourth and eighth months of the Chinese calendar.

Your health would not be in the best condition this year. You would easily suffer from illnesses including diarrhea and those related to glands (such as Thyroid gland and Tonsils). You may also have dizziness or low blood pressure. Be more careful in summer and winter as these illnesses would be more likely to happen in these two seasons. In addition, you are recommended to pay attention to the health condition of people around you, including your pets, as it would also be easier for them to get sick this year. You need to be extra vigilant in the health of your pets as the medical cost of animals is higher and you are more likely to ignore their syndromes.