divinehere.comForecast of Chinese Zodiac in the Year of Snake Series>Rat
肖鼠 肖牛 肖虎 肖兔 肖龍 肖蛇
肖馬 肖羊 肖猴 肖雞 肖狗 肖豬
蛇年犯太歲生肖拜太歲 蛇年犯太歲生肖 蛇年嫁娶吉日 蛇年開巿吉日 蛇年文昌位 蛇年吉凶方位
蛇年辦公室吉凶方位 蛇年立春八字 2013(蛇年)年初一迎春接福接財神      
Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake
Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig

Forecast of Chinese Zodiac in the Year of Snake Series


The fortune of people who were born in the Year of Rat is the best among all zodiacs in the Year of the Snake, as two powerful lucky stars would coexist. One of them is the leader of all stars ‘Ziwei’「紫微」, which represents leadership. This star would not be so good if you are a housewife, as you would be dominating (or controlling) your husband.

There is another lucky star which is related to career in addition to the two stars mentioned above and they would be of great help to you in receiving a medal of honour! You are more likely to be promoted by your boss and be in-charge of important projects. And with the help of the lucky star which represents help from others, you would find things go smoothly in the process. If you are able to grasp the chance and power, luck would come to you. However, be cautious not to be too confident or going to the extreme. Because a bad-luck star on sudden failure would then become effective and attack you. The worst scenario may even lead to resignation. To avoid this from happening, be modest and do not use up all the luck you have.

If you already have a partner, it would be a good year for marriage. Under the influence of lucky stars which represent leadership and help from others, there will not be any problems in organizing wedding events. If you are still single, it is a year for you to concentrate on your career as the chance of starting a new relationship is not high. But if you really want to meet a potential partner, pay special attention to the third, seventh and twelfth months of the Chinese calendar.

Your good luck in career will bring you money from regular income. You are recommended to spend more time on career advancement. Under the influence of the star on sudden failure, do not invest using your savings, including savings insurance, as this may lead to loss of money. If you really want to invest in a small amount, summer time would be a better time for you (investment is not limited to the stock market, you may have other kinds of investment).

The presence of another bad luck star may lead to sudden accidents. With the coexistence of the star of leadership, you may be the envy of other people, which might lead to unexpected incidents. In addition, success in career would make it easier for you to start a relationship, in particular irregular ones, so be aware of kidney problems. Also, you are recommended to pay special attention to your condition of liver, especially fatty liver, and pancreas problems due to the increase engagement in social activities. Taking more rest is important. It is not worthwhile to spend the money you earned from work to cover medical expenses!